About Clinic

It is the branch dealing with traumas and surgical treatments of other organs and regions (chest wall, ribs, lungs, lung membranes, mediastinum, diaphragm, esophagus, trachea) other than the heart located in the thoracic cavity.
1. Closed (with needle) or open (surgical) biopsies (taking pieces of the lung, lymph nodes or pleura for diagnosis).
2.  Bronchoscopy: Examination of all respiratory tracts with an illuminated tube and without any pain for diagnosis and treatment of the anesthetized patient, if necessary, removal of parts of the respiratory tract, removal of foreign bodies that have escaped into the trachea
3. Esophagoscopy: Esophagus (esophagus), trauma, foreign body removal
4. Mediastinoscopy, Mediastinotomy: It is the process of taking a piece of the lymph nodes from which the lung is drained in a sleeping patient with the help of a light pipe, for diagnosis or staging of lung cancer.
5. Video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS; Endoscopic, closed thoracic surgery) with lighted pipes and camera system by opening 2-3 holes, evacuation of intrathoracic fluids, removal of pieces from the lung and pleura, metastasis, removal of cyst air sacs (pneumothorax surgery), decortication (the process of peeling off the lung membrane)
6. Rib cage deformity, open or closed (Nuss) method with correction surgery, chest wall, ribs diseases, good or bad unisexual tumors, traumas of all kinds of rib cage: Ribs, sternum (sternum), the lungs, heart, diyafragman with blunt or sharp objects; accident, crash, fall, assault, stabbing,explosions in the surgery of injuries such as are carried out.
7. Volume Reduction Surgery in the Lungs: With the surgery performed on patients with emphysema, it is aimed to increase the respiratory functions and exercise capacity of the patients, to reduce the feeling of dyspnea (shortness of breath) and to increase the quality of life.
8. Surgery for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of lung cancer (removal of the affected part of the lung, resections).
9. Open and/or closed treatment of air sacs (bullae) that cause rupture of the pleura and collapse of the lung; Operations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the lung or their sequelae (bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, aspergillosis, etc.). Congenital lung structure disorders in lung diseases (Air cysts, Emphysema, congenital cysts, Bronchiectasis: irreversible enlargements in the airways that cause chronic inflammation as a result of frequent upper respiratory tract and bronchitis in childhood)
10. Lung canine cysts (Hydatic cysts),
11. Simple microbial pleuritis (pleuritis) in diseases of the pleura
12. Purulent inflammation of the lung (Empyema)
13. Diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the lung membrane (good breed and bad breed).
14. Treatment of excessive sweating of the hands (hyperhidrosis) with VATS
15. EBUS (Endobronchial ultrasonography)
16. Port catheter insertion (child/adult)

Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Ethem ÖZSOY / Head of Department

Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Akif TEZCAN
Assoc. Dr. Bayram METİN
specialist doctor .Mehmet Akif EKİCİ
specialist doctor . Suzan TEMİZ BEKCE
specialist doctor . Fatih GÜRLER
specialist doctor .Selma Mine KARA APAYDIN