About Clinic

General Information
Kayseri City Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic; Kayseri City Hospital Gynecology and Children's Hospital provides services with 3 Associate Professors, 1 Chief Assistant, 1 Perinatology Associate Professor, 1 Gynecology Oncology Minor Specialist, 13 Specialist Doctors, 143 Midwives/Nurses.

Our clinic provides outpatient services as 25 Polyclinic rooms, 1 Perinatology Polyclinic room, 1 Gynecological Oncology Polyclinic room, 1 Intervention-Colposcopy room on the ground floor of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital.

In clinical terms; 10-bed LDR (Leave Delivery Room Patient)service on the 1st floor; Perinatology service with 18 beds in the A wing on the 2nd floor, Gynecological Surgery and Oncology service with 37 beds in the C wing on the 3rd floor, Postpartum service with 37 beds in the A wing on the 3rd floor, Septic service with 17 beds in the C wing on the 4th floor, 4 cesarean operating rooms in the LDR service and 2 operating theater rooms located on the central operating theater floor (main mass 1st floor), providing both health care and specialty training.

All of our clinical rooms have private bathrooms, toilets and washbasins, and there are armchairs that can be beds for the attendants.

Gynecology and Obstetrics service continues uninterruptedly on a 24-hour basis. This service out of working hours; It is provided by 2 Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialists and approximately 30 midwives/nurses/assistant health personnel. In the LDR(Leave Delivery Room Patient) department, it provides uninterrupted service with its own Anesthesia team (1 Anesthesiologist and 3 Anesthesia technicians) in the operating rooms reserved for cesarean section in LDR for emergency cesarean section and interventions. In this way, emergency cesarean section and interventions are carried out without any delay.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Polyclinic
Polyclinic service in our polyclinics; It provides service in 10 polyclinic rooms, each of which has a sink, dressing cabin and ultrasonography device, between 09:00 and 16:00 on weekdays. In our pregnant follow-up and gynecology outpatient clinic, the average number of patients per month is 10,000. For this reason, the use of the MHRS appointment system is important to ensure that the outpatient services are carried out without interruption and that the patients are not victimized. . On weekends, out-of-hours polyclinic service is provided between 09:00 and 13:00. MHRS appointment system is also used in out-of-hours outpatient services. For emergencies, our emergency service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our high-risk pregnancies are followed in all polyclinics together with the Perinatology outpatient clinic. In our polyclinics, pregnant follow-up examination and ultrasonography services, postop-postpartum patient care follow-ups, follow-ups and controls, as well as gynecological patient follow-ups are performed and every procedure is processed in the automation system. A standardized patient follow-up was ensured by In our clinic, a fully automated prescription, report or laboratory printout don't use as paper. Prenatal and postnatal reports are prepared in outpatient clinics. The examination procedures of our patients who make an appointment with MHRS are carried out on time in the room where they made an appointment.following the information of past controls through the automation system of different doctors. Blood pressure, height and weight measurements of the patients before the examination and NST services after the examination are carried out in 6 NST units located in the polyclinic area.
Detailed ultrasonographic evaluation at the 20th week of pregnancy is performed by a perinatology specialist. There are also 2 radiologists who are experienced in all obstetric and gynecological diagnoses.
Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Service
Kayseri City Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Polyclinic; It is a referral center that provides specialized tertiary healthcare services for Gynecology and Obstetrics. Our emergency polyclinic serves our people within the body of Kayseri City Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital with its trained and experienced specialist and assistant health personnel. Our emergency department provides 24-hour uninterrupted service in a technologically advanced environment for all emergency cases that develop during normal or high-risk pregnancy, to applications with gynecological and gyneco-oncological complaints within the scope of emergency. In addition, consultation support is provided to patients who need to be evaluated jointly from other emergency clinics of our Kayseri City Hospital.
In addition to comprehensive and qualified health services, pre-graduate training is provided to medical faculty and nursing midwifery students, and post-graduate training is provided to gynecology and obstetrics assistants.

Within the scope of Gynecology and Obstetrics, first intervention, diagnosis and treatment services are provided to patient groups with all kinds of major and minor branches that require urgent application. Our emergency clinic serves as the first application area for normal or high-risk pregnancy, gynecology and gynecological oncology patients, provided that they have urgent complaints.

In addition, it serves as the first step application area in the Covid 19 diagnosis process for patients who are already pregnant due to the Covid 19 pandemic process. Services are provided with a special isolated area reserved for patients with suspected Covid 19 and a special isolated area reserved for Covid-19 positive patients, where outpatient or inpatient patients who will be managing the Covid 19 process are evaluated.

The first evaluation, intervention, diagnosis and treatment of emergency applications is made. There are suitable conditions and operating room facilities to perform vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery under emergency conditions.
Our Gynecology Emergency Service; 1 examination room, 1 intervention room, 1 emergency delivery and intervention room, 24 observation beds, 1 special isolated area for patients with suspected Covid-19 and 1 isolated area reserved for Covid-positive patients, with a 24-hour Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist. It provides service with 17 midwives and many other auxiliary health personnel.
Pregnant School
Our pregnant school provides training services in the training hall with a multidisciplinary team on the 3rd floor of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital. We provide information support to pregnant women and their families in our unit where we aim to ensure that the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and birth process is passed in a healthy and conscious way. In our trainings, both verbal and visual training tools are used and we help expectant mothers with our practical trainings.
Our trainings are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays on weekdays from 12:30 to 15:00, from Thursday to Friday from 13:30 to 15:00, for 4 weeks, once a week. After 4 weeks of training, a certificate ceremony is organized for expectant mothers, certificates are given, wristbands are presented, hospital tours are organized and promotions are made. Our consultancy and training service continues throughout the entire pregnancy and puerperium period.
Every expectant mother can enroll in our pregnant school regardless of the gestational week. Our trainings; Reproductive organs and development, nutrition in pregnancy and puerperium, common problems in pregnancy, struggle with fear of childbirth, physiological changes, non-pharmacological methods in pain management, breathing techniques at birth, anesthesia methods, delivery methods and techniques, postpartum and baby care, newborn care and problems , home-bag-hospital preparation, breast milk-importance-breastfeeding, reproductive health issues are given comprehensively.

Gynecology, which is one of the two major components of obstetrics and gynecology clinical practice together with obstetrics, is a unit that includes both clinical and surgical practices. Numerous clinical conditions and pathologies that every woman will encounter during the reproductive period are in the field of gynecology. Our hospital "Gynecology Clinic" Gynecological Surgery 1 and 2 services and Gynecology Oncology service, a total of 37 beds, 17 of which serve with single rooms.

In our clinic, in addition to preoperative (pre-operative) and postoperative (post-operative) care, medical treatments of our patients are also carried out in the perspective of the latest evidence-based medical information updates according to various clinical conditions.

In our service, gynecological operations, pelvic floor surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries are routinely performed by our specialists. While nearly 100,000 patients are examined and treated in our polyclinic every year, our annual number of operations is over 1000. Our clinic has low complication rates in European standards. Clinical status updates of patients are made with bedside visits every day of the week.
Our outpatient clinics of our clinic are located on the ground floor of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital, our inpatient service is located on the 3rd Floor C wing, and our operating rooms are located on the 1st Floor (Operating Room Floor) of the Main Mass. With the medical and allied health personnel, 24-hour patient follow-up is carried out in our service and high quality service is provided. Our operating rooms have been designed to serve 24 hours a day, at world standards.
In our clinic, all kinds of diseases of the female internal and external genital organs are treated with correct, scientific, modern and comfortable methods. Our clinic works as a referral center for our national and international patients.
The main diseases diagnosed and treated in our clinic are infections of the external genital organs and vagina, discharges, abnormal bleedings, cysts, warts, structural deformities; cervical discharge, wounds, bleeding, cysts; Uterine-tube and ovarian masses (such as myeloma, ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy), bleeding irregularities, pain, infections, urinary bladder-uterus-intestinal prolapse and urinary incontinence problems.
In our clinic, besides the usual gynecological diagnosis (such as 2-dimensional ultrasonography and smear) and treatment methods, methods that are not available in every more specialized center (such as HPV scanning, 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasonography, office hysteroscopy) can also be applied. Necessary biopsies can be taken from suspicious lesions detected during the examination under outpatient conditions.
On the other hand, the specific surgeries performed in our clinic are as follows;
A)Open (laparotomic) Surgeries: Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), Myomectomy (removal of miasma), Salpingo oophorectomy (removal of the tubes and ovaries)
B)Urogynecological Surgery: Urinary incontinence surgeries: TOT, TVT, Burch, Paravaginal Repairs; Organ prolapse surgeries: Uterine descent (uterus prolapse) surgery, Vaginal hysterectomy (womb removal), Cystocele (urinary bladder prolapse) surgery, Rectocele, enterocele (intestinal prolapse) surgeries
C)Closed (Laparoscopic) Surgeries: Laparoscopic hysterectomy (removal of closed uterus) surgeries, Laparoscopic myomectomy (removal of closed fibroids) surgeries, Laparoscopic salping and ovary (tube and ovary) operations, Laparoscopic salpingectomy (removal of closed tube) surgeries, Laparoscopic oophorectomy (removal of closed ovaries) surgeries, Laparoscopic ovarian cyst excision (removal of closed ovarian cyst) surgeries, Laparoscopic sterilization (connection of closed tubes) surgeries
D) Hysteroscopic surgeries (operations performed by entering the uterus with special illuminated cameras: Hysteroscopic polyp removal, Hysteroscopic myoma removal, Hysteroscopic synechiae (adhesions) opening)

E)Labiaplasty surgeries, vagina shaping surgeries, Bartholin gland related surgeries (removal                     of Bartholin's cyst, evacuation of Bartholin's abscess)

All of our patients are informed about conservative as well as medical and surgical treatments, and the most appropriate treatment is arranged by our expert staff.

Gynecological-Oncology Surgery Clinic

“Gynecology-Oncology Surgery Clinic” is the unit that offers screening, diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the female organs (uterus, cervix, ovary, vagina, female external genitalia). Our clinic provides service with its experienced staff consisting of 1 subspecialty specialized in the management and surgery of cancers of the female organs (gynecological-oncology).

The main diseases that are screened, diagnosed and treated in our center are:
• Uterine cancer (such as endometrial cancer, sarcoma)

• Cervical cancer
• Ovarian cancer
• Vaginal cancer
• Female external genital (vulva) cancer/masses
• Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases
• Abdominal membrane (peritoneal) cancer
• Female external genital warts (condyloma)
• Presence of abnormal smear and/or HPV
• Pre-cancerous (preinvasive) diseases
• Cervical diseases (ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL...etc)
 •Abnormal thickening of the uterine wall (hyperplasia)
 • Abnormal vaginal bleeding (pre or post-menopausal, post-coital bleeding)
• Pelvic cyst/masses (ovarian cyst/masses)
• Female cancer screenings:
• Smear taking and tracking
•Diagnostic curettage
• Receiving and monitoring HPV
• Cervical biopsy
• Conization /LEEP
• Condyloma (wart) cauterization, TCA application
• Open / Closed (Laparoscopic) surgeries
 •Uterine cancer surgeries
• Cervical cancer (cervix) surgeries
• Ovarian cancer surgeries
 •Abdominal cancer surgeries
 •Abnormal thickening of the uterine wall (endometrial hyperplasia) surgeries
 •Open/ Closed (Laparoscopic) uterus removal (hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy)
• Vaginal cancer surgeries
• Female external genital (vulva) cancer surgeries
• Cytoreductive surgery
• Intra-abdominal warm chemotherapy (HIPEC): It can be applied to suitable patients during surgery.
• Fertility-sparing surgery: At our clinic, our patients of childbearing age are offered the opportunity of “fertility-sparing surgery” in suitable patients after a multidisciplinary evaluation, taking into account the type and stage of cancer.

Perinatology service; 1 Perinatology Minor Specialist and 2 advanced technology 4D USG devices are provided. In our department, he has been serving his patients for many years in fetal and maternal medicine, in many subjects required by modern medicine.

Diseases Diagnosed and Treated
Obstetric Complications
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, Placental invasion anomalies (placenta previa, placenta accrete spectrum=PAS), Amniotic main anomalies, Preterm labor, Hypertensive diseases in pregnancy (preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome), Ectopic pregnancies (scar pregnancy), Multiple pregnancies and related complications

Fetal Complications
IUGR, Fetal anomalies, Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), TRAP, intrauterine death of the twin partner, screening, diagnosis and management of fetal chromosomal anomalies, Non-immune hydrops fetalis, Rh immunization

Systemic Disease in the Mother
Maternal cardiac diseases with pregnancy, Internal diseases with pregnancy (endocrinological, hepatobiliary, hematological, nephrological, gastroenterological, rheumatological and immunological diseases, etc.), Complicated respiratory diseases with pregnancy, Neurological diseases with pregnancy, Orthopedic diseases with pregnancy diseases, eye diseases, dermatological diseases

Featured Transactions:
Amniocentesis, amnioreduction
CVS (Chorionic villus sampling = Chorion villus sampling)
Fetal blood sampling (Cordocentesis)
Intrauterine fetal blood transfusion

Thoracoamniotic, vesicoamniotic shunt application
Multifetal pregnancy reduction
Selective fetocide etc. in monochorionic pregnancy.
1st and 2nd trimester ultrasonographic fetal anomaly/aneuploidy screening
Fetal Echocardiography (ECO)
Procedures for prenatal fetal diagnosis and treatment
Follow-up of patients followed for risky pregnancy, birth planning, postpartum follow-up.
LDR (Travay-Birth-Postpartum) Rooms
All delivery rooms in our hospital are single-person LDR (labor-birth-postpartum) rooms.               There are 10 TDL rooms, all with toilet and bathroom, a seat that can be a companion bed and a   television, and a minimum 23 m2 LDRP unit (pain, birth, recovery, puerperium). All TDL rooms have arrangements for baby stabilization and resuscitation. In our TDL rooms, a midwife is employed for each pregnant woman.
The labor monitoring of the pregnancy, delivery and postpartum follow-up for at least two hours after delivery are carried out in single-person TDL rooms. In these rooms, the expectant mother can stay together with her companion in an environment similar to a home environment that respects her privacy. He can watch television, exercise with a Pilates ball, take a shower and fulfill his religious duties. During the pain process, our mothers are given a diet consisting of soup, compote, yoghurt and pudding, and they are not left hungry or thirsty. Breathing techniques, massage, walking in a vertical position, hydrotherapy, a dance accompanied by music are applied to alleviate labor pain. Appropriate pregnant women are given a painless delivery with epidural anesthesia. After the birth begins, our mother-to-be gives birth in her own room, on her bed that turns into a delivery table.
The average number of deliveries per month in our clinic is 800 and the primary cesarean section rate in our clinic is 12%, well below the average of Turkey, although it is a third step clinic. In our hospital, the umbilical cord is clamped later during deliveries and as soon as the baby is born, it is placed on the mother's lap to ensure early skin-to-skin contact. During this first 1-hour contact, which is golden in terms of mother-baby bonding, first breastfeeding education is also given.
After normal delivery, our mothers are followed up and treated in rooms with 37 beds, 17 of which are single-person, in the Postpartum Services 1 and 2.