About Clinic

General Information
Nuclear Medicine Clinic was established within the body of Kayseri State Hospital in 1988, and with the opening of Kayseri City Hospital in 2018, General Hospital Building -1. It started to serve on the floor. In our clinic, all scintigraphic examinations performed with a Gamma camera, positron emission tomography/Computed tomography (PET/CT) and radionuclide treatments are performed.

Nuclear Medicine is the science that uses radiation in a beneficial way, in which images of the relevant organ and various functional information are obtained with the help of rays emitted from radioactive substances given to patients, thus providing the opportunity to diagnose and treat diseases.

The imaging operations performed are called “scintigraphy”. Scintigraphic procedures are generally painless, and the possibility of allergy and other side effects of the given radioactive materials is negligible.

Imaging operations are carried out with the help of devices called "Gamma camera/SPECT" after a certain preparation and waiting period according to the characteristics of the examination performed. In addition, hybrid imaging methods such as positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and Single-photon emission tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) are also used.

PET/CT (Positron emission tomography/ Computed tomography)
It is an imaging method that has proven effectiveness in the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of the response to treatment, and can provide more detailed information at earlier stages compared to other methods. It was developed on the basis of cancer cells' use of excess sugar, and on the basis that a sugar-like radioactive substance is administered to the body and its accumulation in cancerous cells is monitored.

SPECT/CT (Single Photon Emission Tomography/Computed tomography)
SPECT/CT, which is used in various organ scintigraphy, is an imaging device that can detect anatomical and functional disorders of diseases in organs such as thyroid, parathyroid, heart, bone and brain at once.

The doses of radioactive materials used are usually very low, and there is no evidence that radioactivity at these doses causes significant disease or serious radiation-induced damage to humans. The amount of radiation received by the patient is less than or equal to many x-ray films taken for diagnostic purposes and does not exceed the amount of radiation we receive from nature in a few months.

However, after the scintigraphy procedures, in accordance with the principles of not being exposed to unnecessary radiation and protecting people in the group, such as pregnant or children, whose tissues are still developing and who are more likely to be affected by radiation, the person being examined, other people around him at the time determined according to the half-life of the given radioactive substance. individuals should be avoided.

Anatomical and functional imaging of organs such as thyroid, kidney, heart, liver, bone, brain is performed through the methods used in Nuclear Medicine, and cancer, vascular occlusion, infection, etc. in these organs are performed. events can be detected.

Thanks to the "intelligent radioactive molecules" that have been used in parallel with the developing technology in recent years, promising results are obtained in the diagnosis and treatment of various tumoral diseases. Mainly Thyroid cancer, Prostate cancer, Neuroendocrine tumors etc. Diagnosis and treatment of cancers and their metastases, Hyperthyroidism treatment (Radioactive iodine-atom-therapy) and treatment of various inflammatory joint diseases (Synovectomy) are performed successfully in our clinic with the help of these smart molecules.
Radionuclide Treatment Unit

There are 3 single-person Radionuclide treatment rooms in our clinic. Our rooms are monitored by security cameras for 24 hours, and there is a shower-wc in each room. Popularly known as "Atom therapy", especially Thyroid cancer, Prostate cancer, Neuroendocrine tumors etc. Our patients, who receive treatment for diseases, are hospitalized in these rooms in order to ensure their isolation and follow-up until the radioactive substance is removed from their bodies.

Devices in our clinic:
• Gamma probe
• Thyroid uptake device